Tshaj tawm retro-consoles nrog kev ua si rau DOS


Cov zam rau tej yam me me retro-consoles tau dhau mus dhau qhov txwv ntawm qhov tseeb qhov consoles.

Chav-e tau txiav txim siab tias DOS kev ua si kuj muaj cai muaj nyob hauv hom ntawv no, thiab qhia cov console hu ua PC Classic.

Tab sis yog tias qhov "txo" SNES lossis PlayStation yog ib txoj kev yooj yim thiab pheej yig rau kev ua si yam raug cai rau cov platform no, ces qhov xav tau rau PC Classic yog muaj lus nug, xav tias ntau PC qub tau muag digitally thiab lawv tsis xav tau cov ntxiv los khiav dag zog lossis qee tus neeg siv.

Daim ntawv tso cai tshwj xeeb tuaj yeem yog lub zog ntawm PC Classic, tab sis tam sim no tus tsim ntawm lub console tsis npaj hais tias yam kev ua si twg yuav raug npaj ua ntej ntawm lawv lub platform (muaj ntau tshaj 30 ntawm lawv tau npaj nrog qhov kev xaiv los yuav cov games ntxiv nyias). Cov npe qhia hauv qhov trailer - Doom, Quake II, Commander Keen 4, Jill of the Jungle - twb muaj nyob rau yuav khoom, thiab tom kawg yog pub dawb hauv GOG.

Cov ncej ntawm sab pem hauv ntej thiab sab nraud ntawm lub console. Muaj peb lub USB chaw nres nkoj rau kev sib txuas gamepads, ib lub keyboard thiab / lossis nas, ib qho tso zis HDMI thiab cov khoom sib txuas, kev tawm tswv yim rau kev siv fais fab, thiab tseem (pem hauv ntej) ib lub qhov rau cov ntawv cim xeeb.

PC Classic yuav raug nqi $ 99. Unit-e npaj yuav tsim kom muaj kev tshaj tawm rau cov neeg tuaj yeem nyob ze yav tom ntej, thiab kev tso tawm lub sijhawm npaj rau lub caij nplooj ntoo hlav lig - lub caij ntuj sov xyoo tom ntej.
